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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography

International Conference Actual Problems of Geography

07 - 08 November, 2019


Georgia is located in the border area of Europe and Asia, which is historically known as the "Caucasus neck". It occupies the central and southern parts of the Southern Caucasus. Mainly Georgia is a mountainous country. It is distinguished by complex orographic diversity and an abundance of attractive objects for tourism. The relief of Georgia is characterized by diverse and complex morphology, morphometry and morphography. Georgia is one of the unique regions of the earth according to the distribution of the karsting rocks. The underworld of Georgia is very diverse – karst caves and abysses, with which people are connected from time immemorial. Georgia's climate is characterized by a great diversity. Almost all kinds of climate (except for equatorial and tropical climates) of the Earth is distributed in our country’s relatively small area, from the humid subtropics of the Black Sea coast of western Georgia and dry subtropics of  eastern Georgia to the permanent snow and glacial climate of the Caucasus. Georgia is distinguished by the richness of fresh water resources. There are more than 26000 rivers, more than 800 lakes, 40 water reservoirs, about 800 glaciers, and many other types of springs and wetlands. There are 786 glaciers in Georgia in total. The glaciers are mainly concentrated in the basins of Enguri, Rioni, Kodori and Tergi River. Georgia is a very interesting country in respect of the biological and landscape diversity. According to landscape diversity, Georgia is in the 12th place in the world and in one of the 1st places in Europe. Georgia is even more distinguished by its landscape diversity, and it is in the first place in the world. A special physical-geographical conditions of Georgia determine the country’s varied and distinguished touristic and recreational resources on its territory.

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