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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University

Vakhushti Bagrationi Institute of Geography

International Conference Actual Problems of Geography

07 - 08 November, 2019

Call for Proposals

The Faculty of Humanities at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is pleased to request calls for participation in the Second International Symposium of Young Scholars. The Symposium is dedicated to the centenary of the first Georgian University.

The purpose of the Symposium is to promote the professional development of young Scholars and to popularize their interdisciplinary  researches within the international arena and to encourage scientific motivation of young researchers. In addition, to put Humanities and Kartvelian  studies in an international scientific context.

Within the framework of the International Symposium of Young Scholars, sectoral and thematic sessions will be working together with round table and discussion forums. 

Workshops will also be held.

The main topics of the 2018 discussion forum will be:

The idea of the ​​Georgian University and the First Republic of Georgia;

The First Georgian University and Modern Challenges;

Confirmed key Speakers of the Symposium 2018 are:

Mikheil Bakhtadze - Doctor of History, TSU Associate Professor;

Levan Gigineishvili - Doctor of Philology, TSU Professor

In order to take part in the Symposium, a young scholars should have a Master’s or Doctor’s academic degree.

The main directions of the Symposium are:

  • History and Archeology
  • Ethnology / Anthropology
  • Language and Literature
  • Philosophy and Religion
  • Culture and Art
  • Interdisciplinary Studies

The venue of the  Symposium: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia.


Working languages: Georgian, English (Russian, as necessary)


Times for presentations:

Presentation - 20 minutes;

Discussions - 10 minutes;


Key dates:

Registration - February 25 - May 25, 2018;

Review of the abstracts - May 25 - 25 July, 2018;

Acceptance notification - until 1 August, 2018;

Deadline for submission of the full text of the paper- September 1, 2018;

Deadline for payment of the registration fee - October 1, 2018;

Deadline for making changes to the program - October 15, 2018.


Abstracts received later than the indicated deadline will not be accepted.


Registration fee for participation in the symposium:

For Georgian presenters - 60 GEL;

For foreign presenters - 60 euros;

For Georgian co-authorship (two co-authors) - 80 GEL;

For foreign co-authors - 80 euros;


Registration for Georgian non-presenter participants - 20 GEL (Conference materials and coffee breaks included);

Registration for foreign non-presenter participants - 20 euros (Conference materials and coffee breaks included).


The registration fee includes:

Attending the opening ceremony of the Symposium - 15 November, 2018;

Attending all sessions of the Symposium 15 - 17 November, 2018;

Symposium program, symposium materials, Certificate;

A coffee break between the sessions;

University tour;

During the Symposium (4 days -3 nights), foreign visitors will be accommodated at a TSU hostel.


Bank account details:

 Account in national currency (GEL)

LEPL - Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 204864548;

Name of the Recipient - United National Treasury Account

Bank of Receiver - State Treasury;

Bank code - TRESGE22;

Receiver's account / treasury code: 708967253.


Please indicate the date of transfer of the sum:

  1. Name, surname of the presenter;
  2. II International Symposium of Young Scholars in Humanities.


Symposium Cultural Program:

University tour (free) - November 14, 2018;

Tbilisi Cultural Diversity Tour (20 GEL) - November 14, 2018;

Soviet tour (40 GEL) - November 15, 2018;

Wine tour (40 GEL) - November 16, 2018;

Ethnographic Museum Open Air (20 GEL) - November 17, 2018;

Closing of the Symposium "Art Villa Garikula" - 70 GEL - November 17, 2018.


Please sign up for the participation in the Symposium on the link:


Contact (the Organizing Committee):

 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 1st building, Chavchavadze Avenue. # 1. Room N 204, Tbilisi, Georgia.

 Contact persons: Tea Kamushadze, Nino Kvirikashvili and Ivane Mchedeladze.


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